Admissions FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions
No. Genesis is a free public charter school.
Any student who resides in the state of Georgia can attend Genesis, if there is space available in the grade level they are applying for, and if the family can make sure their scholar can get to the school location in Atlanta.
Complete an application (click here). If Genesis receives more applications by application deadlines than space permits for a specific grade, a lottery will be held for that grade to randomly select applicants for admission. All students who apply after the application deadline are admitted (or added to the waitlist) on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Genesis is not allowed to consider a student’s past academic record or recommendations for admission. A students prior record can be considered when making decisions on what grade a student should be placed in.
If a child is eligible to attend any public school in the state, they are eligible to attend school at Genesis. If a student is not eligible to attend a public school (for example, because they are serving a suspension), they are not eligible to attend Genesis.
Siblings of any student admitted to either the Boys Academy or Girls Academy will be given priority for admissions. If applications for all siblings were submitted by the lottery deadline, and one sibling is admitted, all others will be admitted if there is space in the appropriate grade and academy. Otherwise, those sibling applicants will be placed at the top of the appropriate wait list. If sibling applications were submitted after the deadline, and one sibling is admitted, the other siblings will be placed at the top of the waitlist.
Yes, students at Genesis are required to wear uniforms each day. For information regarding our Uniform Policy (click here).
Yes. Genesis understands the need to serve healthy meals to promote healthy minds and healthy bodies.

Please contact for assistance regarding admissions or registration.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Genesis Innovation Academy, Inc. ( admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.