Conferences & Visits

Information on classroom observations, conferences, and general contact options

Classroom Observations

We encourage parents to visit classes at Genesis. Classroom visits afford one of the best means of gaining information about the educational program and/or observing a scholar’s performance in a classroom learning situation. To make classroom visits a productive process for all stakeholders we expect parents to adhere to the following:

  • Set up an appointment with the classroom teacher.
  • Schedule classroom after the first six weeks of school and before the last four weeks of the school year.
  • Parents bring your driver's license or state ID to check into the office.
  • Sign in at the main office before visiting any classroom and receive a visitor’s badge.
  • Wait to be escorted to the classroom by a staff member.
  • Parent should not interact with any scholar (including their own) during the visit.
  • Parents should not interact with the teacher (this is not a parent conference).
  • Limit classroom observation to one hour.
  • Parents must dress appropriately (in keeping with scholar’s dress down code). For example:
    • No rips/holes in jeans.
    • Pants worn at waist.
    • No profane language or images on shirts.
  • In general, parents must follow expectations laid out in the Family and Scholar Handbook


Parents may be asked to leave if they cannot follow the protocol above or disrupt normal business operations or classroom instruction in any way.  Extreme or repeated disruption will subject parents/visitors to possible bans from campus in keeping with state policy (e.g., O.C.G.A. 16-11-39 and O.C.G.A. 20-2-1182)


Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences

Genesis teachers may contact parents to schedule a conference if performance needs substantial improvement. Time slots on pre-set conference days are limited and priority is given to scholars who are having the most academic difficulty.

Parents may request teacher conferences by emailing teachers individually. Parents in the Middle School should contact the teacher team-lead if they wish to schedule a meeting with all their scholar’s teachers.


Conferences may be in-person or virtual, based on mutual agreement. Scholars are expected to attend the conference.  The older the scholar, the more responsibility they will be given for presenting at the conference. Expectations will be sent to the parent and scholar in advance.

General Contact Information

Parents wishing to contact teachers for other questions/concerns other than conferences may contact Genesis at to leave a message or contact the teachers directly via e-mail.

With some exceptions, Genesis e-mail addresses have the same format: <first initial><last name> (Note: for staff with the same first initial and last name the format will be the first two (2) initials of the first name for at least one of those staff members).

If parents have difficulty resolving issues with any of their scholar’s teachers, they should contact the Academy Director: